Partnership Agreement of ECOWAY Company

It is important for each Partner to read and know the contents of the ECOWAY Code of Ethics and the rules of conduct set forth in the Partnership Agreement, as they form the basis of the relationship between the Company and the ECOWAY Partner and form an integral part of the accession agreement. It is mandatory for all ECOWAY Partners whether the Partnership Agreement have been published in corporate publications or communicated to the Partners in any other way. ECOWAY reserves the right at any time at its discretion to terminate the registration (termination of registration number) of a Partner who has provided false personal information or does not comply with the rules of the Partnership Agreement. Partners who lose their registration number in ECOWAY lose all their rights and advantages, including their structure. The Code of Ethics and Rules are created to protect the rights of ECOWAY Partners and are dictated by high standards of business ethics, according to which ECOWAY Partners are required to comply with the laws of their country. ECOWAY requires the Partners to comply strictly with these rules as well as those set out below in the ECOWAY Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct.

I. ECOWAY Code of Ethics

As an ECOWAY Partner, I agree to follow the following business principles.

1.1. To strictly observe all the rules reflected in the ECOWAY Partnership Agreement. Follow not only the letter, but also the spirit of the ECOWAY Agreement.

1.3. To present products, business opportunities, trainings, as well as any information about ECOWAY to your customers and Partners honestly and truthfully. I will provide all requested information, including answers to any questions from consumers regarding ECOWAY`s products and business offerings.

1.4. I will make only those promises - in writing and orally - regarding the products and capabilities that are given in official ECOWAY sources. By inviting Partners and recommending products, I will not use deception, false information and methods that may mislead the Customer/Partner.

1.5. To perform all duties of ECOWAY Partner as per Clause 2.6. and 2.6.3. As well as the mentor, according to paragraph 3.1. and Director\Elite Director, according to paragraph 2.7., prescribed according to the reached level and set out in official ECOWAY sources.

1.6. To behave in accordance with the highest ethical standards of the company, implying honesty, dignity and responsibility.

1.7. Under no circumstances will I use the ECOWAY network to distribute any products other than those approved by the company. I undertake to strictly adhere to the method of direct sales of products to consumers, which means not to use retail distribution channels of any kind.

1.8. Under no circumstances will I discredit the Company, its management, its leaders and its products.

1.9. I am not an employee or legal representative of any of the enterprises operating under the ECOWAY brand. And I have personal responsibility for complying with the laws governing entrepreneurial activity in the country and region where I carry out my business.

1.10. To comply with the laws of my country, as well as all countries in which my international network will operate.



A. "ECOWAY Partner" means an independent entrepreneur, regardless of rank or level (including Managers, Directors and above).

B. "Partner`s Personal Account" is designed and maintained by ECOWAY for use by Partners and business.

C. In this document, the name "ECOWAY" refers to the company in which you registered as a Partner and which distributes through the network of partners a ready-made business model based on the principle of direct sales of goods under its own trademarks.

D. "Partnership Agreement" is an agreement between the Partner and the Company defining the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties. And it starts from the date of registering the "Partner" and owning the "identification number". And upon the termination of the Partnership Agreement in the cases stipulated in the Agreement, the “ID” affiliated to it shall be considered null and the owner shall lose all his rights and privileges granted to him by the company, including his Structure.

E. "Structure" means the entire structure of this Partner and includes all levels.

F. "ID" means the identification number or serial registration number of the Partner.

G. "Mentor" - Partner of ECOWAY in relation to the Partner registered in its first line.

H. "PV" means the notional value used to calculate Partners` remuneration under the terms of the marketing plan.


The relationship between the Company and the Partner shall be governed by the terms of the Partnership Agreement.


2.1.1. In order to become an ECOWAY Partner, a candidate requires an invitation from an already registered Partner (mentor). In cases where a new partner has been invited to join the ECOWAY Business Company, the Company shall have the right to attach the future Partner to any existing structure.

2.1.2. A partner can have only one registration number.

2.1.3. ECOWAY reserves the right to refuse to register or re-register a candidate.

2.1.4. You can become an ECOWAY partner when you reach the legal age.

2.1.5. Registration may be made for individuals or partners in the amount of 2 persons (e.g. spouse or parent/child) in agreement with ECOWAY. In this case, a representative must be appointed to act on behalf of the registrant. Partners are fully responsible for their obligations to ECOWAY.


2.2.1. A person may enter into only one Partnership Agreement. If facts of direct or indirect control over more than one Agreement, as well as facts of falsification and conclusion of the Agreement on a front person are found, the Company shall have the right to cancel the Partner Agreement.

2.2.2. The candidate and the mentor registering the candidate should be careful when entering personal data into the Agreement and avoid errors.

2.2.3. A mentor registering a candidate must be careful and do everything in their power to ensure that the candidate has not previously been registered in another structure. According to the ECOWAY 1.6 Code of Ethics. and 1.2.

2.6.3. In case of change of personal identification information as well as passport data, the Partner shall contact the Company through support or through message from his personal account and provide copies of documents confirming these changes.

2.6.4. The partner should monitor the relevance of individual information. The Partner makes changes to the contact details by contacting the Company through support or through message from his personal account.


2.3.1. The Partner Agreement is not valid until it is activated. When you register a new Partner Agreement, you must activate it within two (2) reporting periods, not including the registration period. The agreement is considered activated once the new partner has completed a minimum activity of 50 PV and above during one reporting period.

2.3.2. The ECOWAY Partner registration number shall be cancelled after six months from the date of the last activation or after three working periods after registration during the invitation campaign period, unless the first activation has been made.

2.3.3. The Partner must confirm activity to maintain the Agreement, i.e. activate the Agreement by 50 PV, at least once in 6 reporting periods. If the Partner has never been active in 50 PV during six consecutive reporting periods, the Partner Agreement shall be cancelled. And the entire structure of the canceled partner passes to his mentor, without a chance of restoring the structure.

2.2.4. The spouse of the ECOWAY Partner who also wishes to become Partners may be registered either under the same identification number as the spouse (s), according to paragraph 2.1.5. or under a separate registration number, but in the first line of their spouse (s).

2.3.5. Former Partners whose agreements have been cancelled pursuant to paragraph 2.3.3. or their spouses may not be registered with the company again except under their previous mentors. They may re-register under other mentors subject to the following conditions: a) Having written consent of the company b) Having written consent of the first mentor c) In case of proven violation of the mentor`s Partnership Agreement d) Consent to transfer their structure to their first mentor, if there is an existing structure with detective ranks.

2.3.6. In case of violation of corporate rules, ECOWAY reserves the right to suspend the Partner`s registration for up to 12 months while the violation is under investigation.


2.4.1. In the event of the death of the Partner, its rights under the Agreement may be inherited by close relatives after consideration by the company. To do this, the Partner Mentor or his relatives must send a message attached is the death certificate to the Company via their Personal Account or corporate mail: [email protected]. A written application shall be submitted no later than 3 months after death, otherwise the Partner`s registration number shall be terminated.


2.5.1. By entering into a Partnership Agreement, the Company reserves the right to:

define a marketing strategy and dictate its policies to Partners;

unilaterally make additions and changes to the Marketing Plan, Partner Agreement, and the ECOWAY Code of Ethics and Rules.

to set prices for products;

change prices, assortment and terms of payment without notice. ECOWAY does not compensate for bonuses and other payments lost due to such changes, as well as due to lack of products in the warehouse.

amend the documents governing the company;

cancel the Partner Agreement in cases provided by the Partner Agreement

agreement and other regulations of the Company.

at any time withhold the funds of any remuneration in the event of mandatory late payments by the partner.

2.5.2. By entering into a Partnership Agreement, the Company undertakes to:

control the quality of the assortment and the quality of the product supply;

Provide Partner business with marketing support.

provide technical, information and training support to Partners;

make timely payment of remuneration in accordance with the remuneration system established by the Company`s marketing plan.


2.6.1. By entering into a Partnership Agreement, the Partner shall be entitled to:

promote the Company`s products and invite people to partner with the Company;

take advantage of the business system and support of the Company to develop its business;

to be rewarded for their activities in the internal account and to use these funds for operations within the system;

2.6.2. By entering into a Partnership Agreement, the Partner undertakes to:

Maintain reputation, share the Company`s ideology, policy and strategy.

Operate within the framework of corporate rules and standards, do not use working methods prohibited by rules and Partnership Agreement.

Promote products on the principle of direct sales and not sell products through retail and wholesale retail chains, as well as through third-party online stores.

Do not use the network built with ECOWAY products and business system to promote any products and services other than ECOWAY products.

2.6.3. ADDITIONAL RULES AND PRINCIPLES. The Partner shall not use the ECOWAY structure to sell products other than those officially approved by the Company. When recommending products to others, the Partner shall use the official catalog prices. Partners are not allowed to take actions to attract candidates of other Partners to their structure, as well as to interfere in the work of other structures. The relationship between Partner and ECOWAY is not an employment relationship. By enabling ECOWAY to others, the Partner must make clear that ECOWAY does not offer traditional employment but provides an opportunity to start its own independent business. The Partner shall not be entitled to undertake and act on behalf of ECOWAY and shall indemnify ECOWAY for any damages arising out of failure to comply with this rule. The ECOWAY Partner shall comply with all laws, regulations and business regulations applicable to its relationship with ECOWAY, including the provisions of the tax laws governing the registration of the Partner as a taxpayer, reporting and payment of the relevant taxes. The ECOWAY partner undertakes not to take any actions that may compromise him and the company in the eyes of the customers and the public. The Mentor is responsible for the training, development and motivation of sponsored Partners.


In addition to the main requirements for ECOWAY Partners, the following rules apply to Leader-level Partners and above. Violation of any of these rules may result in deprivation of title and all associated privileges, including bonuses, and in some cases termination of Partner`s registration number ECOWAY.

2.7.1. As the Leader of his team, the Leader shall during each working period:

a) recruit and continuously develop its structure;

(b) Provide assistance and support motivated by its Partners;

c) conduct trainings and motivational meetings, set goals and monitor their achievement;

d) to train Partners in the best conduct of business;

e) provide its Partners with timely information regarding various meetings, events, trainings, company innovations, etc.;

f) participate in all seminars (if possible) and other events organized by ECOWAY;

g) comply with the ECOWAY Code of Ethics and Rules, set a personal example in all cases;

h) attend business meetings with ECOWAY.

2.7.2. The Leader of ECOWAY is not entitled to represent other direct sales companies.

2.7.3. If the spouse of the Leader is a representative of any other direct sales company, such spouse (s) shall not be permitted to participate in the activities of ECOWAY and to involve ECOWAY in the activities of his company.

2.7.4. The lists of ECOWAY Partners (built with products and business system) are confidential information. The Partner may not use a product and business system network to promote any products or services other than ECOWAY products.

2.7.5. In the event of the death of the Leader, his title may be inherited by his next of kin, provided that he fulfils all the requirements set out in paragraph 2.4.

2.7.6. The Leader shall follow all additional rules and instructions of ECOWAY in writing.

2.7.7. If the Company receives information about the Partner`s disloyal actions and gross violations of the standards, it will act according to the following algorithm.

The company sends a warning through the Personal Account or Mentor.

The Company blocks the service capabilities of the Personal Office and suspends all account transactions during the proceedings. Partner

The agreement becomes Suspended.

Time for proceedings: until the close of the next reporting period. During this period, the Partner may provide information, explanations, arguments in its favor.

If the incident is exhausted, the Company shall restore payments and access to the Personal Account.

If the gross violation of the Rules and Standards is confirmed or the Partner does not provide satisfactory explanations for the specified period, the Company shall terminate the Partner Agreement unilaterally.

The Partner will be able to register a new agreement no earlier than 6 consecutive reporting periods after the termination of the partnership or more at the discretion of the Company.

2.7.8. The Company reserves the right to claim compensation in accordance with the law for damage caused by discrediting its image, business reputation, violation of exclusive rights to intellectual property and disclosure of confidential information.

2.7.9. If the Partner becomes active in another network company or publicly announces its departure from another network company, its agreement with ECOWAY shall be suspended and terminated without possibility of reinstatement.


3.1. The mentor of the new partner is the partner who invited the candidate to the business, introduced him to the terms of the partnership, the current Rules and Standards, the Marketing Plan, and also informed him about his role as the Mentor.

The new partner is registered in the first line of the partner who becomes the Mentor.

The duties of the Mentor include:

Train the new partner in business skills

support it, if necessary help in the organization of work;

make efforts to clarify the ECOWAY Rules and Standards;

make efforts to clarify the "ECOWAY Marketing Plan";

inform about ECOWAY products;

provide information on Partners participation in regional and corporate events, as well as in promotions announced by the Company.

* The mentor should familiarize the candidate with the terms of the partnership, the current Rules and Standards, the Marketing Plan, as well as inform the candidate about his role as a mentor.

3.2. The Mentor-Partner relationship is the basis for the stability of the network and the success of the company. The Company shall not allow any uncontrolled transition from one Mentor to another. A partner does not have the right to call for a transition to another structure.

3.3. Changing the Mentor with a transition to another structure is impossible. Living in different cities, lack of direct communication with the superior Mentor, as well as difficulties of relations are not justified reasons for moving to another structure.

The mentor can build communication with his Partner using various means of communication - telephone, Internet, video communication, etc.

A partner can build partnerships with superior Mentors, formally remaining registered under the Mentor, who invited him or her to the business.

3.4. Re-signing is the existence of two active Partner Agreements in force if there is a re-signing of the Partner Agreement under another Mentor if there is a valid Partner Agreement.

Actions of the Company in case of discovery of re-signing of the Partner Agreement:

1. The Re-Partner Agreement shall be cancelled permanently and the entire structure of the Second Agreement shall be transferred to the First Partner Agreement.

2. The first Partner Agreement shall be suspended for 2 or more settlement periods. In case activated partners are found in the structure of the second Partner Agreement, which were registered earlier in the first structure - suspension for 3 settlement periods.

3.5. If the direct mentor of the second agreement of the offender or the higher qualified mentor participated in the re-signing, or were aware of the existence of the first agreement, the company suspends the partnership agreement for 1 or more settlement periods. This rule also applies if the mentor and/or the superior qualified mentor of the second agreement, having learned about the fact of re-signing later, did not inform the company about this.

3.6. Controversial cases:

If there is no sufficient reason to attribute a particular case to one of the above options, the decision on preventive measures is made based on the results of a survey of first-line partners, the closest active and qualified partners of the structure of the second agreement of the violator (from the qualification D). The calculation takes into account the degree of participation of the intruder and higher mentors in the business of the partners of the structure, participation in their recruitment process.

These rules apply to the re-registration of an agreement for a front person or spouse.

3.7. Partners may transfer their registration number only to their next of kin - spouse (s), parents, children, including adopted children - subject to a written application and with the consent of ECOWAY. A partner who has transferred his number to another person according to this rule may re-register with the company for a minimum of 6 months from the date of transfer of the number.

3.8. A partner does not have the right to register himself or to register his or her relatives in another Mentoring chain.



4.1.1. All Partners and customers purchase products at the same prices set by the Company. All Partners - regardless of qualification - operate under equal conditions and according to one scheme: the Partner must purchase products at a single price only on the official website of the company and official warehouses of the company and sell only to customers, while the Partner is forbidden to resell the purchased products to another partner.

4.1.2. The Partner shall not be entitled to sell products to customers at prices higher or lower than the single price prices set by the Company.

4.1.3. A partner can give gifts to his customers in an amount not exceeding 20% of the volume of products sold to the customer to whom he makes a gift. Such gifts should be isolated cases and not form the basis of the partner`s marketing system and not harm colleagues with dumping.

4.1.4. The company does not limit the size of the gift, which is not accompanied by a customer purchase.

4.1.5. If dumping is detected, the Company reserves the right to penalty until the termination of the Partnership Agreement.


4.2.1. At the beginning of the conversation with the buyer, the ECOWAY Partner is obliged to clearly introduce himself as an independent ECOWAY Partner and explain the purpose of his or her appeal, regardless of how communication occurs: by e-mail, website, social network, etc. ECOWAY Partners are required to be as accurate as possible in specifying their company status and contact details in order to avoid the misconception that the buyer receives messages from the official representative of ECOWAY. The word "independent" in relation to the ECOWAY Partner is mandatory for use in all cases - in e-mail signatures, on business cards, personal sites and personal pages on social networks, etc.

4.2.2. The partner is obliged to provide clients with reliable information in full compliance with the principles of fair trade and the principles of ensuring the protection of persons with limited legal capacity, according to the rules of the current legislation, for example, minors.

4.2.3. The ECOWAY partner shall not use comparisons which may be misleading or incompatible with the principle of fair competition.

4.2.4. The ECOWAY partner should not deceive consumer leather, respecting and understanding the shortage of consumer experience or knowledge among customers. It is forbidden to speculate on age, diseases, mental or physical disabilities, lack of understanding of the situation, trustworthiness and poor proficiency in the language of consumers.

4.2.5. Partners do not have the right to sell, display or display ECOWAY products in retailers, online stores and auctions, such as, as well as on free bulletin boards, such as OLX. Also, ECOWAY corporate publications cannot be presented or put up for sale in retailers. Non-retail businesses, such as beauty salons, can be used to demonstrate but not to sell ECOWAY products.


5.1. By engaging people in partnership with the Company, the ECOWAY Partner can only operate on real facts and provide reliable and complete information.

5.2. The partner is prohibited from using mass advertisements to attract candidates, including:

Place ads with a job offer - both on the Internet (example: OLX) and on paper media.

5.3. The Partner has no right to discredit other leaders and encourage other ECOWAY Partners to move to its structure as per clause 3.2.

5.4. The Partner may not give any interviews to the media, be it television, radio, periodicals or use any advertisement in the media (including "viral" advertisements: Internet, SMS, etc.) using the name "ECOWAY" without the prior written consent of ECOWAY.

5.5. The ECOWAY partner should not conduct media blogs on social networks that mislead the audience regarding the company, products, service and can harm the reputation of the company.

5.6. The Partner shall not be entitled to banner, context and targeted advertising using the Company`s trademarks and logos.

5.7. The Partner has no right in the advertising message (used for banner, contextual, targeted advertising) to call to buy products and subscribe to ECOWAY.

5.8. Spam is strictly prohibited. ECOWAY partners can limit the number of promotions to end customers to one per week. These messages cannot be sent on behalf of ECOWAY, so the entire sender is responsible for their content.

5.9. The Partner shall not be entitled to send messages and maintain correspondence through specialized services and/or bots.

5.10. The company prohibits spam, the use of bots and fake accounts, as well as mailing to strangers, third parties.

5.11. It is forbidden to give potential partners visible advantages in the form of obtaining partners without effort in their first line, distorting the essence of the marketing plan.

5.12. Partners are prohibited from using the term "official" on their resources.

5.13. ECOWAY logos, trade names and trademarks are the property of ECOWAY.

5.14. If the Partner is legally or illegally involved in a discussion or event that may have a negative impact on the image and reputation of ECOWAY, he shall immediately inform the company.

5.15. Violation of Internet promotion standards leads to termination of the partnership and cancellation of the Partnership Agreement.


The Company has the right to terminate the Partner Agreement in cases where the Partner`s actions are contrary to the "ECOWAY Rules and Standards," other Company regulations, as well as ethical standards.

In the cases specified by this clause, the Company reserves the right to implement the following response measures:

official warning.

temporary suspension of Personal Account service capabilities, as well as suspension of all account transactions;

termination of the Partnership Agreement.