Sweeping towel (turquoise classic)


Sweeping towel (turquoise classic)


Sweeping towel for general cleaning made of ultrafine split microfiber can be used dry or wet. Long strands of microfiber rub each other, thus creating static electricity, which, when dry, additionally helps to collect dust and dirt that is kept inside until the towel is washed. Thanks to split microfiber, Sweeping towel can absorb and retain liquids that exceed towel’s volume by 7 – 10 times without leaving marks or streaks.

Point: 6.00

Areas of use

  • External surfaces of household appliances
  • Furniture, including upholstered furniture
  • Kitchen furniture
  • Windows and windowsills
  • Doors
  • Walls
  • Switches, sockets
  • Floor


Dimensions: 40 x 30 cm
Color: turquoise


1. The product can be washed with natural detergents without chlorine or synthetic detergents.
2. Do not use the product in high temperatures. Do not wipe with it hot household appliances or dry the product close to heaters.
3. Do not iron. Do not machine wash.
4. Subject to use condition, product life is not less than 24 month.

  • Usage of Comfort products help to protect health, as well as to save money and time, as there is no longer need to use household chemicals;
  • With proper care, the appearance and color of Comfort products do not change after usage;
  • Aesthetic pleasure to use: the product is beautiful and pleasant to touch.
Moof line

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