Silicone Micro Brush - purple


Silicone Micro Brush - purple


This silicone brush features an innovative four-level bristle structure, with each level specifically designed to interact with different layers of the microfiber. This allows for deep penetration into the fiber structure for effective removal of even old and entrenched dirt, while being gentle on the delicate texture of the microfiber. As a result, the microfiber regains its original fluffiness and volume, making the brush ideal for regular maintenance of microfiber products, prolonging their lifespan and maintaining a like-new appearance.

Point: 12.00

This silicone brush features an innovative four-level bristle structure, with each level specifically designed to interact with different layers of the microfiber. This allows for deep penetration into the fiber structure for effective removal of even old and entrenched dirt, while being gentle on the delicate texture of the microfiber. As a result, the microfiber regains its original fluffiness and volume, making the brush ideal for regular maintenance of microfiber products, prolonging their lifespan and maintaining a like-new appearance.

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